An animated film is up for best documentary short at the Oscars this year. It's only the second time an animated film has been in the running since the category was established in the 1940s. Last Day of Freedom is the story of Bill Babbitt, a man who turns his brother in for murder, hoping the police will help his brother get the care he needs for PTSD. The Babbitts' story is told through more than 30,000 drawings, most of them in black and white. They were created by Dee Hibbert-Jones and Nomi Talisman, two Northern California-based artists.This is their first film — and they had some qualms. "There's a moment that we felt like ... It's my first documentary, I don't know how to make it," Talisman says. But they felt confident in their art. "I definitely know how to draw," she says.Talisman says the film grew out of interviews with people making their way through the criminal justice system. They say using drawings gave them more storytelling options."We can use metaphors in a